The Conspiracy Pages
The Steve Jackson story is prototypically viral. A medium that promotes interactivity - fantasy gaming and associated computer bulletin boards - conducts memes that reflect the philosophy of gaming itself, in this case, cyberpunk. By straying too close to a conspiratorial mind-set, even in jest, the virusmakers provoke a tremendous and inappropriate response - the Secret Service raid - which gives the virus more exposure than the creators could have generated on their own. Alternative distributors depend on others, even the enemy, to spread their memes.
Media Virus - Douglas Rushfoff p.186
SJ Games vs. the Secret Service
On November 26, 1995 SRL staged a performance entitled Crime Wave at 400 Beale Street in San Francisco for an audience of approximately 2200. After the event numerous police and Fire Department officials surrounded the site and cordoned the area off. Although no injuries occurred and no property was damaged other than that owned by SRL the site was searched and Mark Pauline and Mike Dingle were held for
questioning. After 5 hours 13 charges were filed against them by the
SFPD and two by the SFFD...On January 25, 1996 SRL counsel was notified that two charges were being filed and arrest warrants were to be issued for Pauline and
Dingle.The following day the two appeared in court and set the first court date for Feburary 14, 1996 on the charges.
Survival Research Laboratories - SRL questioned in Unabomber Case
Anomalous Cognition - ESP studies - online experiments
Propoganda Analysis Home Page
The Church of Scientology vs. the Net
Women of Achievement and Herstory
The Laboratory for Perceptual Robotics dexterous manipulation, mobile robot navigation, geometric reasoning, assembly planning, and the application of learning theory
Weird Research, Anomolous Physics - free energy antigravity physics cold fusion overunity searle tesla townsend
brown paranormal radionic keely anomaly
One in four Americans will die prematurely from cancer. Yet few Americans know that the industry and government scientists who assure them their food supply is safe have no idea how the 70 carcinogenic pesticides legally applied to America's food interact.
Censored : The News That Didn't Make the News - And Why - Carl Jensen & Project Censored 1995 p.99
Project Censored online
Why a Duck? Unofficial Marx Bros. Page - Wonderful!
Ebon Fisher
Tom Waits Digest
Realms Realms is a narrative of urban life.
Literary Works - Mark Twain
Babelweb - French cyberculture
Art Crimes graffiti
Mkzdk.Org - fascinating and indescribable
T.A.Z. - The Temporary Autonomous Zone, Ontological Anarchy, Poetic Terrorism
Charles Bukowski - buk's page
Thomas Pynchon Home Page
Banned Books - texts of banned books
Project Gutenberg - the project to put all books online
Victory will be for those who know how to create disorder without loving it.
Debord - Internationale Situationiste
something in between
best of alt.tasteless
Phrack Archives - best of Phrack
Freakshow - a showcase of "freaks"
Jerky Boys Home Page
Perhaps the most famous forgery is the "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion," fabricated by Czar Nicholas II's secret police at the beginning of the twentieth century to suggest that there was a Jewish conspiracy to dominate the world. It has been used by various anti-Semitic governments and groups ever since, despite the fact that the document was exposed as a forgery in 1921.
p.145 Dirty Tricks or Trump Cards - Roy Godson
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